v0.1.0 first release with list of work done and work remaining

Posted September 12, 2021 by  ‐ 3 min read

Updated October 3. Source code and binaries released.

Update October 3, 2021

GitHub repositories for server code and react client code, as well as binaries were made public today.

Documentation is not finished and documentation plan, as described below, will regrettably not be implemented until later.

There will be no attempts made to promote LedgLive until documentation is more complete. It is being released now rather than later, despite incomplete documentation, because there is no intention to add in any further features for the first release, v0.1.0, and the author of the code cannot commit to adding extensive documentation in the next few weeks because of the amount of time it consumes.

There is little documentation at the moment explaining reports, other than showing what the report command line help is.

Install documentation

Update September 19, 2021 following first post September 12, 2021

Documentation to do

Basically just documentation is the major time consuming part left to do. The website documentation plan is:

  1. Present Opal Trader business entity with
    1. A reduced illustrative chart of accounts with account IDs for a business entity and two individuals, with links through equity ownership and parallel loan accounts to the two individuals.
    2. Sample Profit and Loss Statement and Balance Sheet report with six illustrative direct ledger entries for 17 September 2021, and one automatic updating ledger entry, through report usage, for 30 June 2022 (end of financial year in Australia)
  2. Describe each ledger entry and show its corresponding entry in LedgLive
  3. Provide a description of the software
  4. Provide reference documentation
  5. Provide information on how each ledger entry is made in LedgLive with a link to reference documentation
  6. Provide information on how reports are generated including for private proportions and consumption tax reporting
  7. Describe how a chart of accounts and other core tables can be used to generate an empty database
  8. Provide a description of the source code

Unfortunately, for the initial version, the empty database generation facility will only be editable from the source code version of LedgLive

To do list and completions

The core is ready

  • Finished: react client. Deliberately does not allow accounts to be added or deleted. Two alternatives below.
  • Finished: node based server with database that also serves react client
  • Finished: CLI (Command Line Interface) based jurisdictional reports

Peripheral software is ready

  • Finished: sample database table creation through migration file
  • Finished: seeding of core database tables, including accounts, as for below
  • Finished: sample simple database for three entities linked by parallel loan equivalent accounts and equity ownership: a trading business with some processing of raw material (Opal Trader) and two individuals (Mr Opal and Ms Opal)
  • Finished: some simple CLI functions to list database tables and to add/delete accounts without native database clients such as sqlite3 and psql

Documentation is not complete

  • Finished: tidy up source code. Place in github private repositories and test installation. Source code is also documentation for those interested
  • In progress: documentation on website